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Media सं जुड़ल किछ जॉब

एहिठाम हम अहां सभ के लेल एम्हर ओम्हर सं मिलल मीडिया के जॉब के जानकारी राखि रहल छी. अगर अहां एहि जॉब के करय चाहय छी तं देर नहि करि तुरंत अप्लाई करि दिअ. किएक तं मीडिया वाला मे पहिले आबह पहिले पाबह बात रहैत अछि.

दिल्ली मे माध्यम पीआर आओर इवेंट मैनेजमेंट ग्रुप के किछ फ्रेशर के जरूरत
अछि. अगर अहां Press release बनाबय... जारी करय... मीडिया के साथ संपर्क राखय मे अपना के सक्षम पाबय छी तं तुरंत बरखा जी सं एहि फोन नं 09899563557 पर संपर्क करि सकय छी.

Radio Mewat is looking for Station Manager

Candidate to be familiar with Radio, Production, Post Production, have good managerial skills and also be in the a position to stay in Mewat, which is an undeveloped district, close to Sohna.

Send your resume to: archana.radiomewat@gmail.com

UNICEF, Assam is looking for a State SBCC (Social and Behaviour Change Communications) Consultant to work on different projects across Assam.

Please note that the recruitment will be on a third party pay roll and appointment will be strictly contractual.

The person should have experience in the development sector and should be fluent in communication, documentation, delegation and coordinating skills.

He/she should have a natural flair for writing and should be able to coordinate with project officers, field staff, designers simultaneously on projects assigned to him.

Preferably experience on Social and Behaviour Change Communication will be an added advantage. He/ she should have to travel to the field as and when necessary.

Send your CV to: lopamudrab2014@gmail.com

Hindustan Times Next Sub-Editor

The Hindustan Times Next, a school newspaper from HT Media Ltd., requires a Sub-Editor at its Delhi office.

Key Skills: Must know InDesign software, have excellent knowledge in English and Copy-Editing

Send your resume to: animesh.cwg@gmail.com.

Business Development Executives

Value 360 Communications, a leading Public Relations agency in New Delhi, is looking for Business Development Executives. Freshers with no experience but tons of enthusiasm and ambition are most welcome to apply.

Key Responsibilities: Identifying potential business, converting business, making pitch presentations, meeting quarterly targets under supervision of the Vice President.

Send your CV to: aditi@value360india.com

Copy editors/pagemakers- Economic Times
The Economic Times, India’s largest financial newspaper, needs experienced copy editors/pagemakers for their Bangalore edition.

Send your resume to: shibu.joseph@timesgroup.com

Feature reporter- TOI
Full-time features reporter required for Agra Times, Bhopal Times, Raipur Times and Patna Times. Preferably from respective cities or someone willing to relocate.

Send your CVs to chaturvedi.anshul@gmail.com with the subject line 'Resume for Agra or Bhopal or Raipur or Patna Times'


www.network18.com is looking candidates for Mobile18 division.

Campaign Manager for Mobile devices / Content associate for Mobile

Send your resume to: dineshjoshi82@gmail.com

TARANG Channel (Entertainment) Opening
1. Manager/ Sr.Manager- Fiction for Tarang Channel (Entertainment)
2. Manager- Market Research
3. Executive Assistant to the Director
4. Manager- News Portal


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