नवका- पुरनका लेख सर्च करु...

राहत मे जुटल आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग

    आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग केर ओर सं राहत के अपील जारी कएल गेल अछि.  आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग के लोक सभ राहत आओर बचाव मे सेहो जोर- शोर सं जुटल छथिन्ह.  एहि ठाम हम हुनकर ओहि पत्र के राखि रहल छी जाहि मे ओ लोक सं राहत केर लेल आगां आब. के अपील कएने छथिन्ह...

    Jai Gurudev!!


    Delhi Apex would like to share that BRAHM NAAD will now be in aid of Bihar Flood Relief Fund. You can now donate in kind/cheque for "Bihar Flood Relief" for relief rehabilitation in Bihar.


    All the AOL devotees, volunteers and Teachers can deposit: -


    Basic things like plastic/polythene sheet rolls, tent, torch, match boxes, candles, batteries, light towels, bed sheets, gents dhoti, kurta/pajama, ladies, children & men clothes preferably cotton, cotton sarees(should be almost new), please give nicely washed & pressed clothes.


    Food items like Roasted Channa, sattu, sugar, salt, peanuts, chirwa, milk powder, atta, rice,dal (all properly sealed/packed).


    Medicine items like Paracetamol, Antibiotics, Anti Diarrhea tabs, Imodium, electral powder, enteraquinol, bandages, cotton, betadine, ORS (not expired).


    Delhi centers are requested to sort out clothes into categories before dispatching goods.


    Centers listed below are: -



    Contact number

    South Delhi

    C-9, Green Park Extn.(basement)

    Ashok Ji- 26562606/26611097

    North Delhi

     Road no.-44, Community Center, pocket-24, Apra Plaza,Pritampura.

    Naresh Agarwal- 9810111905

    West Delhi

     A-2/32,  Rajouri Garden

     Kirti Ved - 9818101370


    H.No-37, Road No-2, East punjabi bagh.Ms.Raj Rathee - 28316423

    East Delhi

    12, Vigyan Lok, ND-92

    Rashmi Gupta – 9810379194.

    Central Delhi

    H-344, !st Floor, New Rajender Nagar.

    Dr. Neena Madan – 9810013177.


    SSRVM School, B-65 Sec-51.

    Sandeep Roy – 9310132484, 0120-3263718.


    C-36, Sushant Lok-I

    Ruchi Rai - 9810722445

    C-1/45. Palam Vihar, Gurgaon.

    Mohan Ji- 0124-2368100


    Faridabad center

    Dr.D.P.Sharma- 9911101830


    Ghaziabad Center

    Sandeep Rajwanshiji - 9210877771



    Timing of depositing goods in the centers is– 11am to 4pm.  


    We urgently require: - Anybody who wants to come forward to work and take flood relief seva as a volunteer can give three names to us.


    Area coordinators are specially requested to collect things at their end and send it to their respective centers as per list above. This has been arranged for their convenience.


    Sangeeta Anand is in charge of "Bihar Flood Relief"

    Mob. no.- 9811335074. (aolbiharrelief@gmail.com)


    For any further query you can contact on a helpline number, available 24X7 for you – 09818702578.


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