लाइव इंडिया चैनल दिल्ली सं अखबार के संग वेबसाइट सेहो शुरू कर. जा रहल अछि. अगर अहां के कोनो वेबसाइट में काज करय के अनुभव अछि...आ इंटरनेट पर बेसि सक्रिय रहय छी... आ फेर पत्रकारिता सं कोर्स कएने छी तं अहां लेल ई बड़ नीक मौका अछि.
जल्दी सं अपन रिज्यूमे देल गेल ईमेल पर भेज दिऔ. देर नहि करु...
ईमेल के सब्जेक्ट लाइन में हिंदी...अंग्रेजी आ मराठी कोन भाषा मे काज करय
चाहय छी से आओर कोन पोस्ट के लेल अप्लाई करय चाहय छी ...से जरूर लिख देब.... अहां सभ के हमर शुभकामना...
Hindi News Channel 'LIVE INDIA' is now launching its websites in Hindi, English and Marathi and a website for E paper and Magazine from Delhi/Mumbai.
They need Sr.Sub-Editors, Sub Editors, Web Developer, Web Designers and Trainees. Freshers can also apply .
Apply with The Subject code for eg: WEB HINDI/ Sr. Sub Editor, Experience in Years along with cover letter and CV.
Kindly note: Only candidates who had experience in Web Journalism with good command in Hindi, English and Marathi will be shortlisted. If you are having experience in TV or Print medium than don't waste your time in sending CV. For Web Developer no criteria is set for working.
Interested candidate contact to
Mr. Pankaj Sharma at- pankaj.kp.sharma@gmail.com
Mr. Anant Paliwal at- anantpaliwal@gmail.com
जल्दी सं अपन रिज्यूमे देल गेल ईमेल पर भेज दिऔ. देर नहि करु...
ईमेल के सब्जेक्ट लाइन में हिंदी...अंग्रेजी आ मराठी कोन भाषा मे काज करय
चाहय छी से आओर कोन पोस्ट के लेल अप्लाई करय चाहय छी ...से जरूर लिख देब.... अहां सभ के हमर शुभकामना...
Hindi News Channel 'LIVE INDIA' is now launching its websites in Hindi, English and Marathi and a website for E paper and Magazine from Delhi/Mumbai.
They need Sr.Sub-Editors, Sub Editors, Web Developer, Web Designers and Trainees. Freshers can also apply .
Apply with The Subject code for eg: WEB HINDI/ Sr. Sub Editor, Experience in Years along with cover letter and CV.
Kindly note: Only candidates who had experience in Web Journalism with good command in Hindi, English and Marathi will be shortlisted. If you are having experience in TV or Print medium than don't waste your time in sending CV. For Web Developer no criteria is set for working.
Interested candidate contact to
Mr. Pankaj Sharma at- pankaj.kp.sharma@gmail.com
Mr. Anant Paliwal at- anantpaliwal@gmail.com
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